sotong's COMPLAIN corner

You will either like me a lot or you wouldn't know me at all. "Beauty" lies in the eye of the beholder. heheheh

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

are we really a democratic country?

tomorrow is a big event ... our 49th years of independence
1st Sept is the budget announcement day

and ... i can't help to think that it's another stupid protocal that will turn bumiputras becoming more and more lazy to strive!! Reason is that they know they will get paid without having to work hard, they'll get a job without having trouble to find one. Which is good to those non-bumiputras ... it's part of surviving skills ie, when you know it's getting hard to earn money, you'll tend to strive even more and to find whatever ways to earn more money in order to survive in this unfairness situation. The very good example, like the quota to enter local university. Non-bumiputras have to work very very hard to get a place there. If they are unlucky or getting course that they don't prefer, and if they are wealthy or lucky enough to get sponsorship, they'll be studying overseas and at the end contribute their expertise and knowledge in that foreign country. What a waste to our own country and that has to blame the stupid quota!! I hope the government will realised that the more they helped bumiputras, the more they'll create hatred and which will divide the people and harmony will slowly disappear!!

Same goes to everyone of us in a working environment. When you're not recognised in your company, these are the people who tend to strive quietly. Well, depending to that person characteristic. I know there are people who rather surrender thier future to the company and didn't want to take any action to make themselves recognisable. Sometimes, unfairness happens everyday. There are people who are lousy in people skills (to name a few, not working as a team with other people and not being helpful to solve problem coz thinking that their program is not having problem and that the other party should look into it!! ... that ain't the proper way of working ... should work together then the problem easily solved!!) and yet, they are recognised for being good in other thing and these are the people who are put into test to become leader ... well ... just part & parcel of working life ...

woosah woosah woosah ... and i have to work and strive to be recognised by company (not by other people or other company ... that's a DAMN BIG mistake .. coz they won't help you to inform your company that you are good) .. however, it won't change my attitude to work closely with people ... i like my working attitude and i enjoy working with people especially knowing you have helped them to solve problem even though my hardwork is not seen by my own previous bossES. Then again, it's just timing matter. It's not my time yet ... and so, i'll make good use of this period of time to "input" more knowledge & skills. (coz ... i'm still a lazy bum :P)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

wedding of the century

i understand y she married a man who is 20+ years older than her and had a very lavish wedding...
1) he's a man who is equally rich as her and thus won't be aiming at her money
(but ... he may ended up bangkrupt and all her money will goes to his-leh!!)

2) he's a man who only has a not more than 30years of flirting...once he's 60+, think he tak ada energy to flirt-lah
(but ... he can still marry 2-3 other wives and she has to bear with it)

3) it was broadcast in the tv for all her fans out there who wasn't invited
(but .... this is the first time the whole nation have to watch her wedding ... really, lebih from the agong nor sultan's children's wedding!!)

what i dun understand is that
1) he's nobody at all ...none of us ever heard of his name. he's just a small cooperate player and yet super rich pulak .. wah ... must be ada udang sebalik batu for being low profile (u know ... like the gangster world ... they are rich and super powerful and yet they live in teh dark)

2) he's once married with 4 children (though he insist he divorced before chasing her ... yet, somehow, she may be the main reason for the divorce!!!)

3) and ... everytime and everything during that wedding nite, is her name comes first ... u know, like forgetting the hubby ... for eg, the emcee also mention her name first before her hubby name .. the cake, have her name first then followed by her hubby name ... all singer who went on stage also wish her first then followed by hubby ... the whole nite tv presenter talking bout what are her wishes for that wedding nite and rarely mentioned the hubby ... it's like, the wedding is for her and not for both of them??!! ain't that a bit disrespect?

4) y invite our ex PM and also DPM-huh?? hmmmm .. i thought we normally invite ppl who are related to us. I think it's the trend of the well-known ppl's wedding ie must have some VIP in the guest list

Not that we are bad but like year 2003, Erra & Yusri also wedding of the year ... ended up, divorced 3 years later ... what a bad ending!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

always keep track of expenses!!

i think must be the god trying to hint me that i MUST START KEEPING TRACK OF MY "IN OUT" MONEY (no idea call what ... something like GL) .. else, no matter how much i earn also will gone :(( ...

It was a releaxing sunday and suddenly come to my mind that i should have amount X & Y in my bank a/c (3 years ago) but i have no idea where they went. I tried to trace back and recall all my transaction, yet not coming to any conclusion too. Tonite, i have to check my another drawer for all my bank statement .. if i still have them with me :( . What i hate the most is the fact that the amount is not small amount!!! :(( :(( :(( :(( :((

Monday, August 21, 2006

no time for colleagues

hmmm ... i think i've blog this story before ... about me not having enough time.

I saw my colleagues all having time to go out with my other colleagues on trip/any outings!! And, i'm wondering how come i'm not invited!! (hehehe ... that's not really what i'm complaining) ... Nah ... i don't really have time for them either. I guess staying with family and being a local really makes a difference. And, obviously, i'm the type that must spend time with family and close friends (of course my bf too and his friends) and some time for rest.

And, i didn't blog this in my friendster's blog coz i don't wanna create any misunderstanding among my colleagues.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Life Rate ... try this game

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 6.7
Mind: 5.6
Body: 7.3
Spirit: 5.9
Friends/Family: 5.6
Love: 6.9
Finance: 5.5
Take the Rate My Life Quiz