sotong's COMPLAIN corner

You will either like me a lot or you wouldn't know me at all. "Beauty" lies in the eye of the beholder. heheheh

Monday, October 31, 2005

DeAdLy CuRsE

I'm really fed up with people who take advantage of other ppl blurness

From now on, any human being who take advantage of my sotong-ness to gain more money or to do bad things on me/others and the purpose is not for any good deeds,

1) shall lose all the money (should bankrupt) that he/she gained from me,
2) shall encountered double/triple same bad things that he/she caused me

And, i shall forget all this bad things and lead happy life (as always) as i don't wish to remember the bad things that happen to me and that it may caused a change of attitude in myself coz i still believe that Happy shall always go Lucky-mah :D

Sunday, October 30, 2005

where is the law??

The accident last Thursday night...nearby my place...we are at the main road, signaling to turn right. Once we turn, a motorbike, out of no where, appeared and bang to our car (the left-behind side door). The motorist wasn't wearing a helmet, didn't on its light, he's indian, it's night, and he doesn't has a license (we all assume coz he can't show his license when we asked).

He is VERY OK even after bang to our car and caused the tyre on the left-behind "disfigured" a bit, door "kemek", and the car shaft (i think that is what they call it) has to be replaced. We all thought we can settle it without reporting to police. We actually managed to asked him to sign a letter (written by a 3rd party and stating there're witnesses & the indian guy ic) that he'll bear with all the liability. We did asked him to pay some amount (rm200) there on the spot, yet, he can't come out with anything. GOSH ... so many ppl around there (uncles and youngsters) yet none of us can think properly!! He has relative staying nearby, he was with his cousins during that come we didn't thought of asking them to gather the money at the moment!!!Neither do we thought of reporting to police because some 3rd party told us that we will get "saman" from police as it's our fault and the police won't see it as the indian guy fault. And, to claim insurance, CAN'T also.

ALL BECAUSE OF TRUST and HUMANITY. We thought we shld let him rest because he was hurt too (NOT THAT SERIOUS..after we really thought of the whole accident). We thought he really can repair our car since he said he has friends in a workshop at segamat. STUPID ... all are bullshit. After one whole week, he has done nothing that he has promised. My friend has to find a foreman nearby my place to repair his car coz his car can't go anywhere farther. Coincidently, this foreman's wife car was knocked by the same indian guy last time!! And, seems that this indian guy has a bad reputation of banging ppl's car.

The indian guy kept on asking my friend to go over the nearby mamak to "sembang"... my friend has been there twice ... only to listen to bullshit. Yday (SAT), my friend called him again, asking him whether he "at least" managed to get the door. My friend no longer can wait because the car has been repaired and only left the door..The indian guy said that he has the door but can't find ways to send the door to the workshop. ALAMAK ... his place is just nearby the workshop...what so hard to do it??? We already not asking him to pay the whole amount of the repair!!! and yet, he can't do a little thing. The indian guy divert my friend to call the indian guy's bro, saying that his bro has the door. To my friend despair, they don't have the door at all!!!!

My friend can't trust this indian guy anymore. LIE AFTER ANOTHER LIE. My friend paid for the repair. Drive the car all the way to Jln Bandar to report. GOSH...need to queue to see the police that will report the whole case (when there aren't many ppl around!!!). IT WAS A BAD and AWFUL experience. My friend thought that the law is to help victim. NOPE! After explaining what happen to the policeman, he straight away said it's my friend fault. Because, the motorbike is going straight. Policeman said, according to law, my friend is wrong. My friend told him that we have the letter stating that the indian guy admit is his fault. The policeman rudely asked my friend, "Who are you to asked IC from the indian guy??!!!". kns ... why is this policeman so rude!!!! He even told my friend that we might simply write a letter and sign there. My friend told him that we have witnesses too. He just told my friend that, all witnesses thing are for the law court only. He said my friend can sue the indian guy in court. KNS .. my friend just want him to write a bad record of that indian guy.

The policeman even asked my friend to ask some chinese guy (there were a bunch of chinese guy who are loitering at the police station compound to get customer... they are the ppl with the truck..dunno how to call them..hope u guyz understand who are they). The chinese guy even said it's my friend fault. Now, the police ask my friend to ask another chinese guy just to make my friend realised it's his fault. My friend told the policeman that he knows it's his fault. But, he further explained that how can a normal human being can see the indian guy with no helmet and no light motorbike in the middle of the road?? The policeman rudely told my friend, his responsibility is to report accident. The indian guy's fault, will have to report to the traffic police such that the traffic police will take action. My friend asked, "Shouldn't the law protect the victim? Why is the law now making the indian guy as the victim when i'm the actual victim??". The policeman straight away give my friend a "saman" for 1st) reporting it late, 2nd) for causing the accident.

After that "saman" the 2nd chinese guy told my friend that he shouldn't continue say any words coz the policeman about to tell him how to settle (he meant RASUAH). KNS to that chinese guy ... he also needs my friend to give him some "duit kopi" to help my friend settle the whole thing. Else, he would have inform my friend earlier on. Even the 1st chinese guy also wanted the "duit kopi" only. They, the CHINESE, not being helpful either. They will only help if they see $$$. Not only that, they even condemn my friend's action in front of my friend!!! My friend heard one of them saying that my friend has alot of money to take this stupid action. Don't they supposed to help us instead of wanting our $$$ and say harsh words???

This incident created a HUGE impact to my friend. My friend never thought that the law will not side him. My friend never thought that even CHINESE also not helping us and only want $$$. My friend never thought the policeman never show "peri kemanusian". My friend never thought he as the victim has the ending of a wrongful person i.e receive the "saman", pay for his car repair and can't do anything towards the indian guy.

I'm about to say something bad here.
I really wish the god will open his eyes and punish the ppl who has caused my friend to lose his belief, confident and faith. I really hope i have the $$$ .. hire some killer!!!

I know my friend will never change into someone who knows how to play "tricks" or talk in tricky way to the police (i'm saying ... something like a gangster behaviour) coz he has this good man face and kind heart (in other words ... too straight). Thus, all i can advised him is to take this bad experience as a motivation for him to better in his business and earned more. More $$ as in can sue those wrongful ppl in court instead of paying "duit kopi".

RM600 for the "saman". RM688 for the car repair (and the door hasn't been repaired). RM5-10 for making phone calls to indian guy, to indian guy's bro, to some 3rd party ppl who claims they know the law (yet also want "duit kopi" only). RM50-60 for the petrol money of coming to my place from his place thrice, to & fro Jln Bandar, driving around to have a peace of mind after Jln Bandar incident. RM20-30 for paying the drinks & snacks at some place with singers playing mellow songs, also to relax..... all this is nothing compare to all the despair, anger, tears.

Friday, October 28, 2005

New leaf replacing Old leaf

sigh ... my MD is leaving (early retirement-wor) ... this month will be his last month ... sigh sigh ... new MD coming in soon (wonder when .. coz, i have a feeling he's not going to show up at all...maybe he will never know who are his subordinates too).

I wrote this in his farewell card,

You may have a fierce voice and face yet deep inside, you're a friendly person. Thanks for giving me a chance to join sales and returned to Msia (instead of becoming a PR in JKT :P). All the best ...

I remembered last time when i was in JKT, i was quite shocked that my MD knows my name!!! (ok, probably because my company less ppl and it's easier to remember name of those in oversea project) and he can joke around ...

gosh ... i don't really have any nice thing to talk bout my new MD. Probably i have met some good bosses that leave good impression. At least they acknowledge your existence in a project/company. And can talk/chat/joke as a friend instead of the superior-subordinate relationship. Heard from some of my seniors, my MD sometimes will ask about their children's well-being, their health, etc.