sotong's COMPLAIN corner

You will either like me a lot or you wouldn't know me at all. "Beauty" lies in the eye of the beholder. heheheh

Saturday, January 06, 2007

reschedule cutover and WHOLE FAMILY have to reschedule things

one thing i hate the most about traveling is that we can't plan our schedule ... we are SLAVE to the project timeline!!!

i really don't mind working like a shit throughout weekends (well .. a smart project management with smart project timeline, then i will not have to work like shit ... kekekkekek .. indirectly i'm saying that i'm a smart worker :P ) ... just that i'm not at malaysia, i have to plan ahead of all my things so that i will use wisely that few days (VERY VERY very short moment) at malaysia .. just because of some bad lousy management plan, the cutover date need to be reschedule ... and guess what, ALL MY SCHEDULE THAT INVOLVES WHOEVER IN IT HAVE TO RESCHEDULE ... wow ... and, i'm even more piss off because that date is still not firm ... omg .. it's January and cutover suppose to be in 2 months time but no1 can confirm the date ... i've plan my things 3 months ahead!!! and i have to reshedule things ....

so fucking hate my current state of situation

one manager was telling me that i'm a fierce women ... muakakkakakakaka

well ... that manager ain't know me yet ...


  • At January 11, 2007 12:50 AM, Blogger chunwei.tan said…

    hehe yeah...i guess he really dont know u...yet! :P

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