sotong's COMPLAIN corner

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

we aren't friendly nation

i always heard the stories of how fellow local ppl will bring those outstation ppl to places of interest ... like my bunch of colleagues in Bangkok, the locals there took them to places to shop and many other interesting places. I have another friend who is now in Venice, was invited by his colleague to join his colleague's friends visiting Slovenia for a short trip ( .

Hmmmm ... i wonder whether places with chinese, malays and indians will be as friendly as those people? I know i won't be that friendly. I seldom go out shopping too. I don't even know what is the place of interest in malaysia (not even KL area!) . I only go out to meet friends/movies/lunch with family members.

My own project, there are people from Thailand and Indians. I'm not sure if my fellow colleagues did invite them to any party/gathering occasion/special outing jsut like how the guy from Thailand used to invite my other fellow colleagues when they were working at Bkk.


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