sotong's COMPLAIN corner

You will either like me a lot or you wouldn't know me at all. "Beauty" lies in the eye of the beholder. heheheh

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

FAKE remark

have u ever received this kind of remark?

"wah .. if u r not around, dunno what will happen to ur team and UAT and SIT env"

"wah ... will u be in your company for long? i can't imagine this project without u"

"laypeng .. u r the best-lah .. know all the things before i remind u"

"u have done a wonderful job since this UAT starts ... if not for u, i dunno who i can look for"

i don't feel proud when i received this kind of remark. in fact, i'm quiet pissed off coz i felt as if those ppl are taking advantage of me. which is y, i start to "tunjuk belang" i.e. reached office late (well, before 9.30am-lah but after 9am), curi-curi pulang early without informing those ppl in charge (well, normally i'll ask if there's anything pending else i'll cabut first), take longer time to check data (i can checked it very fast but rather do it slowly)


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