sotong's COMPLAIN corner

You will either like me a lot or you wouldn't know me at all. "Beauty" lies in the eye of the beholder. heheheh

Friday, May 06, 2005

"dunno what to put here as title"

i was driving this morning (as usual) to work ... ai .. same time as yday and the day before yday ... yet, this morning, lagi macet. When i reach 1U (that is after 15min from the TOL .. normally, it took not more than 5min) ... so frustrated ... i HONK!!!! hahaahha ... that was good ... the cars around me got a shocked ... dun care-lah .. i'm frustrated liow ...

then .. when i reach my bf place ... after breakfast ... on the way to kerinchi link .. Whitney Houstan song "I just wanna dance with you baby" (forgotten the title) was play ... i just sing along ... and move a bit ... hahahah ... there's a lorry bypassing me on my right .. the passenger (a malay guy) was looking and was "kacau"ing me (how to say the word in english-ar?? .. can't think of the appropriate word for this action) .. i was so tempted to show my famous middle finger (..||..) but stop coz this will caused him to further "kacau" me ... so, i just show an ignorance impression (u know, like u dun really care bout his action) back to him and then stop looking at him and continue my singing (which is so not good .. and i guess i'm the culprit behind the cloudy weather today ... :)) heehhehe) ... anyway, my car really stop there for few seconds ... and ... i saw this white proton iswara (can't remember the plat number .. but starts with W) ... open his door ... and, spitted .. YUCK .. so gross ... and, he's chinese (his face sure looks chinese -lah)


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